beach scene with the words 10 "to do" ideas for May long weekend
What to do May Long weekend

It’s here! Summer is here!

Camping, gardening, bicycling, and many more activities are a good indication that summer is here. The May long weekend is what we wait for all winter long and some years all long winter.

I know I will be out investigating my new neighborhood, walking the trails, riding my bike, and definitely barbecuing some nice food on the grill.

Many things to do May Long Weekend

Where I grew up, May long weekend is usually the first warm weather we usually had, living on the Great Lakes in Northern Ontario, Canada.

This weekend is typically the gardener’s Delight as they make their way to get their new plants at the greenhouses, plus checking out the new patio furniture and decor for outside.

This spring brought new challenges to our house because we’re now living in an apartment on the 6th floor, with a very large balcony, in Southern Ontario. Read about the move here.

Making an outdoor living space on the balcony that feels like you are in a garden, is what I am attempting to do. Watch for a blog on the results of how I do this….

The garden will be mostly containers, some that are large, some that are small. There will be a laddered wall that will be used to grow herbs and other small items like radish and lettuce.

cucumber plant, tomatoe plant ornamental cabbage, herbs
cucumbers tomatoes ornamental cabbage herbs

The plants that will be cultivated over the season will be tomatoes, cucumbers, some carrots, definitely beets, green onions, chives, sunflowers and a variety of other bush-type perennials that are small and will winter on the balcony well.

City parks, trails and activity centres

Our neighborhood and most other neighborhoods in our city are flush with walking trails, parks, and conservation areas. I have walked to several of them so far I have found some very interesting spots. Conservation areas are a little ways away and it’s always nice to go with someone to those. Spring flowers, birds, and water life are always interesting sights to see.

It’s also time to tune up the bike and get out and get some exercise of a different form. The bike takes you to several other places quicker so you do get to see more and everything is fairly accessible by bike in this community.

Barbeque or BBQ season

The long weekend in May usually means the opening of the barbecue season for most people I prefer to barbecue year-round but that’s not what everyone wants to do.

It would be interesting to know how many hot dogs, hamburgers, steaks, were cooked over the weekend.

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Camp, cottage, trailer, or tent

Camping is another thing that a lot of people will be doing on the long weekend. People camp in tents, tents trailers, cottages, and camps as we call them in Northern Ontario.

There are a lot of people with places that they go on the May long weekend every year. Many will brave the icy cold water of one of the Great Lakes or an inland lake. Having smores over the fire, having a fire to just sit around and tell jokes or ghost stories and singing. The time left is for hikes, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, and for some there is fishing. Of course, the best is the time for general relaxing and taking it easy time.

What have you got planned for the May long weekend? Share in the comments below. I would love to know what people are up to.

Need some ideas?

Here are 10 “To Do” ideas for the May long weekend!

10 Ideas for the May Long Weekend

1) Take a day hike to a Conservation area /park.

2) Invite family and or friends over for a BBQ and relaxing fire in the firepit after the sun goes down.

3) Go for a bike ride.

4)Explore your city’s largest park.

5) Get friends and family together to play softball and have a picnic.

6) Do your annual trek to the cottage to open up and enjoy for the rest of the cottage season. Don’t forget the BBQ fixings.

7) Go to the greenhouse to get all your plants and planting accessories so you can start planting.

8) Get on your bike and go for a ride.

9) Go to the zoo or Butterfly house.

10) Go roughing it camping with a tent trailer or tent, sleeping bags and cook on a fire.

Plus Other things a long weekend is useful for

1) Going to visit family

2) Doing a short trip to watch a ball game and maybe some shopping.

3) Decluttering your home a.k.a. spring cleaning. Click here for ideas of where to rehome this stuff.

4) Cleaning up your yard to make it summer-ready.

5) NOTHING but straight R & R. This is good because you will be so rejuvenated by the end of the weekend.

I’m off to the greenhouse to start on my balcony garden. Comment below and tell me what you plan to do.




  1. Iamlooking4answer

    You live in a beautiful country with four seasons, it’s nice to have these activities in place whenever the most awaited season arrives. I once lived in a fourseason country, group gathering was common for us. We play games, sing songs, BBQ and having delicious food at a beautiful park. Missed those days. 

    Thanks for your sharing.

  2. When I was a kid, the May long weekend was the first weekend with warm enough weather to go camping.  We lived in the mountains in British Columbia so my parents would pack up us kids, the dog, and cat, hook up the trailer and off we went.  Some of my best memories are from our May long weekend excursions!

    • Oh, that is sooo true. I grew up at the hub of the Great Lakes in Ontario where there was usually still ice floating on the Lake but we “HAD” to go in – It was like a springtime polar bear swim, lol such fun!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful article with us. I am so glad to see your article. Your article is really unique and informative. I have got a lot of information about Ideas for the May long weekend.To be honest, I didn’t know about Idea for the May Long Weekend before reading this article. I like it very much. You talked about having a barbecue with family and friends. And asked to have a picnic with them. It is said that the largest park in the city to visit. These are great things to me and one of my favorite things to do on the go and I love to ride bikes with friends and family is to go for picnics so I enjoyed reading this article and the valuable information you provided. That is why I have bookmarked your website so that I can come back to your website later so thank you for sharing with us a beautiful post.

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