Here are 25 gift ideas for Easter gift-giving if that is one of your traditions.

When I was growing up Easter always was a signal that summer was coming and it is usually warmer weather, the birds are back, and the critters are out of hibernation.

Traditions as a Kid

What are your Easter traditions?

This is the latest Easter has been for many, many years. Living in Northern Ontario, Canada Easter could be cold if it was in March. It was very possible that we would at times still have snow.

As kids, we had a few different kinds of traditions. The first was usually something new to wear to church. Sometimes it was gloves, sometimes it was hats, sometimes it was a new outfit. That was back in the day when you wore gloves and hats to church on Sunday. Now you don’t do that so much.

We would also have a little basket with a few things in it. There was usually a rubber ball, or a hula hoop or skipping and along with those my mom always got these huge chocolate eggs that the church ladies made. It was a fundraiser done by the women’s group at the church.

These eggs were a filled, solid egg. When you cut into the egg it looked just exactly like you were cutting into a hard-boiled egg. It was so cool as a kid to watch to see what it looked like when it was cut into. It was dished out to us piece-by-piece because they were so big. If my memory serves me well they were probably 4 inches long by 2 inches wide by 2 inches high.

Easter egg hunting

Easter egg hunts went on for many many years because I have four kids that are spread out over eight years. We did our Easter egg hunts in the house because we lived in Northern Alberta, Canada and Easter usually occurred while it was still cold and sometimes still snowy.

Easter Sunday dinner

Dinner on Easter Sunday was always grandparents coming over to share baked ham, scalloped potatoes, lots of veggies and always something delicious for dessert. It was a very nice dinner and a special time spent with grandparents.

Our Easter dinner was similar to what I grew up with and what my husband grew up with but because it came from two different families we combined traditions and developed what became our tradition.

The meal typically was salad, several veggies, a very tasty ham glazed with honey mustard, (the glaze was mustard mixed with brown sugar and is put on the ham which is then baked in the oven), pierogi with onions and sour cream which was part of the Ukrainian heritage, and our appetizer was wheat. wheat is the wheat kernels cooked until they burst, drained then small pieces of apple and some apple juice mixed in with it it’s very good.

Of course, any family that happened to be in town or good friends that were available would join us for our dinner.

25 gift ideas for Easter for your use

Below you will find 25gift ideas for Easter gifts for all ages. The ideas from this list should help you to come up with several ideas for those people in your family that you need to have a gift for.

Gift Ideas for Baby’s easter

1) plush toys – available at most department stores, Amazon, ToysRus

2) baby’s first Easter –, Amazon, Bed Bath and Beyond

3) push & pull toys – available at department stores, Amazon, ToysRus

4) silicone teething mitt – Amazon, Walmart

Gift Ideas for Toddlers easter

1) my first safety scissors -Amazon, ToyRus, Walmart, Target

2) plush toys -available at most department stores, Amazon, ToysRus

3) drawstring packsack, Amazon, ToysRus, Target

4) Mercer Mayer – Happy Easter Little Critter-Amazon, Indigo, Chapters

Gifts Ideas for Children easter

1) Rubber Chicken Slingshot Chicken Flickin’ -Amazon, eBay,

2) Lyonne Build-on Brick Mug -Amazon, eBay

3) Lego Super Heros – Amazon, Walmart, Target, ToysRus

4) Balls, skipping ropes, hula hoops kites – Walmart, Target, ToysRus

Gifts Ideas for Teens easter

1) Waterbottles – Walmart, Target, Amazon,

2) Travel coffee mugs – Starbuck’s, Tim Horton’s, Walmart, Target, Conway’s, Amazon,

3) Phone Accessories – Any Phone store, Amazon, Walmart, Target

4) Beach Towels – Bed, Bath and Beyond, Amazon, Walmart, Target

Gifts Ideas for Women easter

1) Easter socks – Amazon, Target, Walmart

2) Long shawl scarf – Amazon, Target, Walmart, Conway’s

3) Bath Booms – Amazon, Target, Walmart, Conway’s

4) Tote bag –, Amazon, Target, Walmart

5) Travel coffee mugs – Starbuck’s, Tim Horton’s, Walmart, Conway’s, Amazon,

Gifts Ideas for Men easter

1) Trucker or Ball caps – Amazon, Target, Walmart,

2) Easter Tie – Amazon, Target, Walmart

3) Easter T-Shirt –, Target, Walmart, Amazon

4) Easter socks – Amazon, Walmart, Target, Conway’s

Our Traditions are pretty simple but they’re still our traditions. It’s a good thing to provide your children and your extended family with traditions to share. Keeping it simple and sharing the moment and memories is an important part of working to keep the simpler life.

In the comments below please share what your traditions are.

I would love to hear what everybody does for Easter.

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