Mother’s day is fast approaching so it is time to celebrate moms and all that they represent. Do you need some mother’s day gift ideas?

Mom’s are everywhere, including me. I have four beautiful children that are now adults to show for it.

I’m a mom too!

I vividly remember each one of my children being born and how their personalities evolved over the years. Mine were growing up just when the internet and gaming and even cell phones just started to be “the thing to have. Even with all that, outside activities, crafts, and cooking were always encouraged but reading was huge in our house and all are avid readers to this day.

My mother had 7 children, 6 girls and then a boy, all within 12 years. We were siblings, but we were friends too, and a lot of our activities revolved around home, with mom teaching us many things just by involving us in daily chores and activities.

Moms teach many skills

By the time we were out on our own, we could do a lot of what I call homesteading skills. It meant knowing how to do pickling, blanching vegetables to freeze, baking almost anything from scratch, sewing, knitting, camping, gardening, composting, how to fix screens or replace panes of glass, paint, wallpaper, and many more skills. Click here to read more about me growing up.

Just for some clarification here, my Dad was involved too, with a lot of this, but his signature skill was teaching every one of us girls and my brother how to fish and prime a well.

I thank my mom every day for who I am because of her influence and what I have learned and shared with her. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY MOM!

Mom’s are angels in disguise and always there, always watching, always teaching, and always loving.

Mom’s are nurturers and caregivers

They nurture us, care for us, make sure we are fed and clothed, are our biggest cheerleaders, and biggest critics but they love unconditionally even when they are so stinkin’ mad at us.

Mom’s are highly protective

Mothers are highly protective of their offspring and will do what it takes to protect and defend but they will encourage and support our decisions as well as make suggestions when THEY feel it is needed.

Mothers are ready listeners and some are ready advisors as they can be the Ann Landers of the family too, but they also share our heartaches and our heartfelt moments.

No matter what, mothers definitely hold a special spot in our hearts so show your mom how much she means to you with that something special.

10 mother’s day gift ideas

1) Lovely 10oz. ceramic mug in several colors with “Mama Llama ain’t got time for your drama“, or “pink rose inside the heart”.

2) Chef apron is great for all those BBQ cooking days, with “ Mama Llama ain’t got time for your drama” on it or “love” on it. These are 100% cotton and help to reduce plastic use.

3) A tote bag that is environmentally green and 100% cotton to use for shopping or going to the market, with “Dream Big” or “Everyone Fits in Somewhere” on it. These are 100% cotton and help to reduce plastic use.

4) Smaller drawstring, 100% cotton bag. This can be used as a small backpack. “logo of flowers” or “Locally grown” can be on it and is available here. These are 100% cotton and help to reduce plastic use.

Amazon mother’s day gift ideas

These next ones are suggestions that you can acquire from checking out on or or just clicking on the link below.

5) This one is the ultimate for the chocolate lover – the Ultimate Chocolate gift basket.

6) For the mom that is crafty and likely to color in this lovely adult coloring book. Don’t forget to get the pencil crayons too!

7) Mom’s, like most ladies, are always up for receiving the jewelry. This beautiful heart necklace will be a pleaser!

8) A nice mauve mug with “best mom ever” on the outside and “mom love” on the inside.

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